Subscription Packages

Hassle-free experience for carefully selected surprises! Receive 6 bottles every month at a discounted price.

orange digital wallpaper

How does it work?

Choose package

For each subscription package, we will clearly list out what 5 of the 6 bottles are. The 6th bottle we won't disclose what it is to add a bit of mystery to it ;)

Add to cart

Choose from 3-month or 6-months of white, red or mixed subscriptions. If you are subscribing this as a gift, we will include hand-written gift card(s)


Packages will be delivered on the first 2 working days of each month (1 day for Hong Kong Island deliveries and 1 day for Kowloon & NT deliveries)

Get Delivered

Packages will be delivered on the first 2 working days of each month (1 day for Hong Kong Island deliveries and 1 day for Kowloon & NT deliveries)

Why is this attractive?

Discounted Prices & 
free delivery

Each package is cheaper than if you were to buy the bottles on their own

Premium wine tasting notes

We will include a printed copy of tasting notes for each wine for you


We do all the thinking for you!

Current Selection List

Available packages

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Looking to gift a subscription?

We will include hand-written message for you in our packages. We will also a tasting notes and other information for each of the selected wine, and the lucky recipient can appreciate the bottles without further ado.

Pick your subscription 

group of people tossing wine glass